Bad Blood - The Border War that Triggered the Civil War
Bad Blood - The Border War that Triggered the Civil War
1h 27m
Bad Blood is the story of an epic and influential time in our nation's history. In the years leading up to the Civil War, a bloody conflict between slaveholders and abolitionists focused the nation's eyes on the state of Missouri and the territory of Kansas. Told through the actual words of slave owners, free-staters, border ruffians, and politicians, Bad Blood presents the complex morality, differing values, and life-and-death decisions faced by those who lived on the Missouri-Kansas border in the turbulent years from 1854 through 1860. Bad Blood is the recipient of two 2007 Emmys. Kansas City Star entertainment columnist Aaron Barnhart said of the film, “I can’t recall a more thorough or compelling account of the tug-of-war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas.”
Up Next in Bad Blood - The Border War that Triggered the Civil War
Bad Blood - Historians Speak
Bad Blood’s “Historians Speak” features regional experts weighing in on critical issues of the time period and on the importance of the Border War conflict in Missouri and Kansas.
Bad Blood - Behind the Scenes
HistoryFix "Behind the Scenes" - Shan...
This is a replay of a livestream where we visit with director Shane Seley of Wide Awake Films. His team has four programs currently on HistoryFix, all in the 19th century. Get a glimpse behind the scenes of how Shane got started and how the shows got made!